He was diagnosed with a sprained knee, but he actually had cancer

At just 27 years old, Ellie Downs has received the award Unpleasant news. According to the Daily Mail, the pain in Downs’ leg was “unbearable”. And the doctors confirmed this Minor muscle injurybut it was finally discovered I have cancer.

The young British woman, the police officer, has evolved Tumor 10 cm. The first symptoms were when he started feeling pain in his left knee for the first time in October 2020. The following month I went to the doctor several times. He assured him that this sprain would improve with time, but it wasn’t.

They recommended physical therapy, however His pain did not improve. After his insistence, the doctors made him More controls. On examination, it was found that he had OsteosarcomaA type of cancer that affects the bones.

Happy ending

after He is undergoing surgery After months of chemotherapy, Downs is cancer-free. She asked for more comprehensive controls so that cases like hers would not go unnoticed at first. The results of the osteosarcoma showed that she had a 10 centimeter tumor It grows on a legThe second longest bone in the body. But it didn’t end there. And only two months after completing the treatment, the examination revealed this I had lung cancer He developed another bone tumor.

According to the Daily Mail, about 160 people in the UK And 1,000 cases have been diagnosed in the United States with cancer every year. Among the most common symptoms are bone and joint pain and easy bruising Fractures and broken boneshappened because weakening of the bones; because of a tumor.

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Eli Downes Sensations

Downs claimed that It took him months to accept it: “I distinctly remember being in the hospital over Christmas and realizing that.” It was hard for her to realize what was happening because of that I never suspected it might be cancer: “I was worried that I was being overly dramatic and cautious.”

“When I first received my diagnosis, I felt paralyzed.”

He also admits that the potential spread of the cancer could have ruined his life, and ends up with Definitive diagnosis. Until last year he was undergoing chemotherapy with a view completely eradicate the cancer from her body. After this terrible tumor, she had to deal with it cancer in the lungs Two wars were similar to the first big hit.

Hope for the future

After going through all the treatments, Downs He goes for check-ups regularly In order to control a small node in the lung and to ensure that cancer does not appear again in his life. Happy because And now he wants to finally “rebuild” his life And planning her wedding, just as she wanted before her long illness: “I’m looking forward to planning my wedding and trying for a baby: all the things I was willing to do before cancer.”

“I am recovering well and I really want to go back to work “And back to normal life,” said the young woman after her recovery. This experience also made her learn. She is currently working on creating Charity for help People between the ages of 25 and 35 who have or are living with cancer.

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