Guterres: Humanity is behaving like the delinquent son of Mother Earth

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres warned on Monday of the global chaos facing the planet, according to a report issued by the United Nations. an agency Latin press.

Pollution, the elimination of species and ecosystems or greenhouse gases are in the mix of disasters that made Guterres say: “Humanity is behaving like the delinquent son of Mother Earth.”

This warning comes from the Secretary-General of the United Nations on World Earth Day, which is celebrated on April 22 every year.

This date recalls that millions of people took to the streets of cities and towns in the United States on April 22, 1970 in massive demonstrations to protest the damage to the planet and its resources.

Guterres called for restoring harmony with nature, adopting sustainable production and consumption, and protecting against harm.

For this project, he called for creating job opportunities, reducing poverty and promoting sustainable development.

“This means stopping the loss of biodiversity suddenly, ending pollution, and significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions around the world,” he added.

The head of the global organization called for providing climate justice to countries on the front lines and quickly mobilizing funding in order to contain the rise in global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Guterres called on the G20, which includes the most dynamic economies on the planet, to lead a rapid, fair and funded global phase-out of fossil fuels, and to end subsidies that destroy nature, including those that finance the uncontrolled production of plastics. .

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Every year, more than 280 million tons of short-lived plastic products end up in the trash.

Unlike other materials, plastic does not biodegrade. It can take hundreds of years to decompose, so when it is disposed of, it builds up in the environment until it reaches a critical point.

This pollution leads to the suffocation of marine animals, the degradation of soil, the poisoning of groundwater, and can cause serious consequences for human health, according to what experts say. Scientists From the United Nations University.

Europe is the continent with the fastest warming temperature, almost double the global average

Europe, rapidly warming

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said in a report highlighting that Europe is the continent where temperatures are rising most rapidly, resulting in 2023 being one of the hottest years for that region. Latin press.

This assertion has been supported by the Copernicus Climate Change Service, which notes the record number of days with extreme heat stress and heat-related deaths is much higher than usual.

According to the World Meteorological Organization, disruptions caused by climate change will cause unprecedented levels of disruption and misery for millions of people in Europe in 2023.

Other consequences include widespread flooding and extreme heat waves, which is a new normal that countries in that region must adapt to as a priority.

Record sea surface temperatures across Europe also reversed a worrying warming trend deep on land, with a worrying marine heatwave in the Atlantic, west of Ireland and around the UK.

A worker in the Middle East on a very hot summer day Foto.IPS News

International Labor Organization, alarming figures

71% of the world's workers are exposed to serious health risks related to climate change, especially excessive heat, according to a report by the International Labor Organization, published on Monday and cited by the ILO. an agency Spanish Evie.

This phenomenon causes 22.8 million occupational injuries, costing 19,000 people annually and more than two million life years, adjusted according to the disability they suffer from.

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According to the International Labor Organization, the number of workers whose safety and health are threatened by climate change is now at least 5.4 points higher than in 2000.

The most affected are agricultural workers, who carry out tasks related to natural resource management, construction, waste collection, transportation, tourism and sports, that is, those who spend a large part of their day outdoors.

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