Guatemalan police issued more than 45,000 traffic tickets in 2024

Another reason was related to the placement of license plates in unauthorized areas of the vehicle, said military force spokeswoman Claudia Santizo, citing Imisoras Unidas.

He added that the Palestinian National Police Traffic Department continues to carry out operations against drivers who participate in secret races in the country.

The spokesman stressed that the aim of these measures is to prevent accidents, and pointed to fines for driving while wearing headphones, for which those responsible must pay 100 quetzales (about $13).

He described the penalties for carrying plates in prohibited places as very common on motorcycles, while mentioning cases where drivers do not carry the original license plate.

Santizo stressed that this year they carried out 1,042 more operations than last year in the same period, and in addition to issuing fines, they are seeking to identify the pilots.

The spokesman warned that preventive measures are being taken in strategic places.

But motorcycle accidents are an epidemic in this part of Central America, without a hitch, even though they fill hospitals every day and affect a fair number of families every year.

Health authorities have called for a deeper look into the causes of the problem, but despite plans and penalties, two-wheelers remain a worrying phenomenon on Guatemalan roads.


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