Everything a home can contribute to well-being | Country Weekly

Now more than ever, we understand the importance of home in well-being. One effect of the pandemic has been, precisely, getting us to spend more time indoors, with all that that entails, positive but also negative. At a time when the mental health debate is so lively, we are beginning to understand how our surroundings can affect our state of mind, and ultimately our well-being. The place where we rest, live our daily lives, and shelter from noise should be a place of comfort and safety, although sometimes it is not so much.

The study reflects on this awareness of the role of the home itself in the quality of life life at home, conducted by IKEA in 2021. In it, 86% of those surveyed confirmed that it is important for them to feel in control of the space in which they live, while 76% realize that home is the place where they feel most in control of their lives. Helping the home be a space of calm and peace is the goal of IKEA and the podcast series I will start tomorrowin collaboration with the Podium Podcast.

associated with the concept luxury, or wellness, this series of podcasts looks at different aspects of life at home, offering guidance that can improve everyday life through small but important changes. Feeling that one’s life is under control is one of the preludes that can be used to relax the mind, and with it the body.

Sleeping better is living better

It is one of the keys not only to well-being, but to a healthier and more sustainable life. Last year, research from Stanford University directly linked sleep quality to life expectancy, as well as a lower chance of developing cardiovascular disease or mental health disorders. Through psychiatrist Miguel Angel Gonzalez, podcast I will start tomorrow It analyzes the most common causes of disturbed sleep and possible ways to treat them.

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In addition to mitigating other external factors, such as stress or abuse of electronic devices, creating a welcoming and rest-friendly environment can also affect the quality of our rest. Light, for example, regulates our vital systems. Choosing the right lighting, soft and dim, helps us prepare our bodies for rest.

systems to simplify

Clutter invites chaos, and a lack of organization at home can lead to tensions and arguments that in the long run seriously affect our emotional state. Many of the podcasts in the series address this point from different perspectives. One of them is to opt for minimalism in the home, eliminating all those unnecessary things and resisting consumer impulses. Focusing on the things that are truly necessary can help us achieve a beneficial mental balance.

Another way to find an organization that contributes to well-being is to adapt spaces to needs. Separating the space in which some activities are carried out from another, reserving rooms for rest or sleeping, and distinguishing them from work areas provides a sense of control that has beneficial effects day after day.

Eating well is a matter of discipline

Cooking and eating are essential activities in any home that also have an impact on mood and health. Getting used to a healthy diet has obvious benefits that, more often than not, are hampered if an organization is not followed. Especially in cases of families with young children, following certain dietary guidelines is key to a healthy environment at home. in one of the chapters I will start tomorrowPediatrician Carolina Imedio addresses this issue with recommendations when it comes to managing potential conflicts at the table, to achieve a more relaxed and relaxed atmosphere in eating habits.

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In the same way, having a series of utensils that help to cook in a healthy way, in addition to having an organization in the kitchen that better preserves food, helps to achieve those habits. Another point touched on in the podcast is making the best use of the resources available to us.

Take your time for yourself

In a time of frantic pace, another aspect that helps us stop the brakes that can lead us to anxiety is to take a long time. So-called emotional well-being also involves incorporating routines such as skin care or physical exercise, activities that can often be done at home. Dermatologist Paloma Borregon talks on the podcast about how taking care of our skin can help us achieve balance, while personal trainer and program director to be healthyof Cadena SER, offers his advice when it comes to bringing these practices into the local field.

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