Economy at risk due to delta variable – La Voz de la Frontera

International economist Alejandro warned that the arrival of the Delta version in Mexico would pose a risk to the economy for the second half of this year, which could be exacerbated by the arrival of holidaymakers into the country and the lack of security protocols in tourist areas. Diaz Bautista.

He pointed out that the third wave of Covid-19 affects so far at least 11 entities in Mexico, according to the data of the Ministry of Health in its epidemiological report to the epidemic, which stands out among these cities: Mexico City, Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, Sonora. and Nuevo Leon, when the first case was confirmed in Baja California on July 20.

He pointed out that the merchants in Mexico are aware that they are concerned about a third wave of infections with this disease, so they are preparing for additional measures to prevent the country’s economy from slowing down.

“With the onset of the summer holidays, the country’s tourism sector has opened its doors to national and foreign travelers, with hotel occupancy estimated at 61% and exceeding 56 billion pesos; however, infection prevention measures must be taken in the face of the third wave of Covid-19,” he said. the professor.

In the case of Mexico’s northern border, he warned that infections could be exacerbated by the lack of controls at the borders and in tourist areas, contributing to the introduction of new variables.

He considered that “the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 will be the dominant variant in Mexico for the rest of the year, but vaccination and masking could be the best way to avoid a new wave of the epidemic.”

The research professor at Colegio de la Frontera Norte also commented that vaccination programs around the world differ between countries, but vaccination offers a way to end the new wave of infections.

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He pointed out that several counties in California recommend the use of masks due to the spread of the delta variable in that state, as the increase in active cases is worrying, as is the case for the number of people who choose not to be vaccinated, so California health authorities urged residents to wear face masks while present. Inside until the end of July this year.

This was recommended in both Northern and Southern California, especially in enclosed public spaces.

All residents play an important role in stopping the transmission of Covid-19 by getting vaccinated as quickly as possible, wearing a mask, physical distancing, and washing their hands frequently. These basic prevention measures remain the key to ending the coronavirus pandemic and limiting the effects of the delta variable.”

He said that the infection map of the delta variant has already been detected in Asia, Europe, Africa and even North America, but it is noted that the speed of spread and the size of the third wave of Africa is not like anything I have seen before, while Mexico is one of the 14 countries in the American continent where there is Delta variable already.

“There are countries that have almost no vaccine, only 1% of Africans are now fully vaccinated, compared to 11% of people worldwide and more than 46% of people in the UK and US who are fully vaccinated.”

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