Biden and the Republicans strive to commit to the infrastructure of the United States – Prensa Latina

This is how he stated his meeting with Republican senators, led by Shelley Moore Capito, as part of the negotiations on the infrastructure investment project being promoted by Democrats.

The newspaper said that the proposal submitted by the Red Party represents about a third of the size of Biden’s initial plan of $ 2.3 trillion (a trillion equals a million million) and focuses on repairing roads and bridges.

The port added that the White House president is studying whether there is room for a bipartisan agreement, a possibility that Republicans and Democrats remain skeptical of.

Biden said he and the senators will again debate what exactly constitutes the infrastructure and how massive the investment is to rebuild it.

For example, the president is seeking to include funds for projects such as electric cars and other technologies in order to address climate change, research and development, and home care.

The president of the White House told the press that he was “prepared to make concessions,” when asked whether he would accept offers that fall short of the plan presented by the Democrats.

For his part, Capito indicated that they had been asked to rewrite an offer they could make again to Biden.

Despite the optimism voiced after the meeting, Republicans and Democrats are deeply divided over the different elements of the infrastructure bill and how to pay for it, Hill asserts.

The US president is proposing to increase the corporate tax rate to 28 percent from 21 percent, the level established by the 2017 Tax Act, in order to pay for the infrastructure plan for 15 years.

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But Republicans are refusing to backtrack on provisions of the tax cut law passed by former President Donald Trump.

Among those attending Thursday’s meeting, which lasted about an hour and a half, were Republican Senators Roy Blunt (Missouri), Mike Crabbo (Idaho), Pat Tommy (Pennsylvania), Roger Wicker (Mississippi) and John Barrasso (Wyoming).

Vice President Kamala Harris. Trade Minister Gina Raymondo; Transport Minister Pete Buttigieg also represented the administration at the meeting. ga / ifb

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