Best public and private medical schools in Mexico

  • Although UNAM is the most traditional, now Tec de Monterrey tops the list of the best medical schools in Mexico.
  • Some of the criteria considered were the quality of teachers, student research and the number of graduates per generation.
  • Every year the English magazine Times Higher Education publishes a ranking of the best vocational schools in the world.

The path to health is very long because a career takes between six to seven years. One of the reasons is all the knowledge that must be gained, as well as the combination of theory and practice in hospitals. But one of the most frequently asked questions is about The best medical schools in our country.

The offer of higher education institutions in Mexico is very wide. Although if you only look at those that offer A career as a general practitioner number has dropped dramatically. Either way, there are more than a hundred options.

The differences between public and private

With this in mind, one of the most complicated decisions is having to choose a specific school for a degree. To start, Although there are many, this does not mean that they are all the same. The first difference is that some are public and some are private.

For common people, their main virtue is that it is very cheap. Tuition fees are minimal and therefore affordable for most families. While on the contrary, their biggest drawback is that they are the most demanded in our country and there is no place for all who are interested.

On the other hand, there are also private universities. In this sector the inscriptions are higher although they differ between each one. Payments sometimes reach thousands of pesos per semester. Therefore, the concern is not to get a place because there is so much available but you have enough money to pay the tuition fee.

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Now, to find out what files The best medical schools in Mexico can be analyzed from various sources. Among the most famous is the annual ranking prepared by the English magazine Times Higher Education. In fact, only a few days ago he presented the results of his corresponding work for 2022.

What stands out the most is that Among the top 100 places in Latin America, eight are from Mexico. Therefore, it was they who managed to stand out and today are considered the best options in the country.

The best options in Mexico

The thing that can be noticed is that Most of them are public schools. Although among all those chosen, the best position is a special one and is Technological Institute of Monterey. The decision was based on criteria such as its infrastructure, the quality of its professors, the research of its students, and the number of graduates per generation.

Likewise, the other private school that appears is comprehensive university. In fact, together with Tec de Monterrey, they are the two schools that usually have the best results in National examination for applicants to medical residency (ENARM).

while inside UNAM stands out as the best public medical school. In his case, it is an option with a great tradition, and every year it is the institution from which thousands of students graduate.

For now, we are sharing with you an infographic prepared by the Saludiario editorial team with Best public and private colleges to study medicine in Mexico.

Best medical colleges

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