Annie Ferran takes over as the new Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Deusto-Gipuzkoa-Gaur

Anne Ferran Zubilaga.

The current responsible person faces the challenge of consolidating the internal changes made at the College, while enhancing the attractive postgraduate offer, promoting internationalization and research development.

On the campus of the University of Deusto in San Sebastian, the University of Deusto celebrated the inauguration of the new Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ani Ferran Zubillaga, who replaces Javier Arellano, who was recently appointed Vice Rector for Research and International Relations.

Great knowledge of the Faculty, with a high degree of harmony with the University’s mission, a great capacity for teamwork and a tremendous sense of social justice, to name just some of its main values, the new Dean will have, in the words of University President Juan José Etxeberría, consolidating the internal changes made In recent years in this university center. All this is in order to build a more integrated college prepared to face the future.

The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities has made important changes in recent years to adapt to its new reality. Among them was the approval and implementation of a new organizational model, which was accompanied by the implementation of existing processes and ways of doing things. This new logic has helped renew many university degrees and expand the scope of teaching offered by the college. Changes that also sought to enhance Deustobide’s presentation, visibility, and contribution to ongoing training.

Today, Anne Ferran serves as Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the San Sebastian Campus of the University of Deusto.

The university wants to continue these processes that have begun. In this sense, Ani Ferran’s task will be to foster these new logics, generating spaces for joint participation and deliberation. It should also pay attention to enhancing the attractive offer in the field of graduate studies and promoting internationalization, as well as spreading this new way of working in the field of research and transport. Finally, the new dean must contribute effectively to the challenges and transformations that the university is witnessing as a whole, in line with the strategic plan 2023-2026, whose goal is to “train the best professionals and citizens capable of generating solutions and hope.”

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For Brigadier General Juan José Etxepería, people in a leadership role must exercise “leadership that listens, facilitates communication and responds to the needs of each unit, but takes responsibility for the whole and is able to broaden the horizon of the group.” People he is responsible for.” He believes there are no leaders outside of teams and there is no leadership if people’s growth is not fostered. “Sharing a mission doesn’t just mean we have the same goals, it means we work together to achieve them.” All of these elements taken into account consideration when selecting Ane Ferran. In this regard there was broad consensus on her qualities and suitability to take over the management of the college.

The most relevant aspects indicate that Anne knows the faculty well, has a high degree of alignment with the university’s mission, and has a great capacity for teamwork and leadership, which highlights her empathy and ability to accompany each person in their different situations. Moments, he stands out for his great sense of social justice and his call to service, and finally, for his positive and friendly personality to face the university’s challenges.

“Anni, your colleagues trust you and so does the university government. We thank you all that the generosity that the various certificates speak of also prompted you to accept this service. It is a personal and professional challenge. There will undoubtedly be difficult moments, but this service also offers opportunities to enjoy it. Those are The experience of many. You will not be alone,” concluded the President of the University of Deusto.

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