Adjustment of travel requirements to Panama

Through an executive decree published in the Official Gazette of Panama, the entry conditions for this country have been modified.

In this way, the Panamanian government considered the vaccination against C0VID at the national and international levels, its high efficacy and coverage, “prudent and necessary to raise certain health measures”.

Decree No. 122, dated September 14, states:

  • Article 1: I ordered to raise the mandatory physical distance and capacity, established in the national territory due to the health crisis.
  • Article 2. I ordered the lifting of the sanitary restriction measures under C0VID-19 that established the entry of travelers into the national territory.

This means that Panama will no longer require QR and swabs from travelers entering the country, as clarified by the Ministry of Health in Twitter. The executive decree entered into force as soon as it was issued.

The new provisions are already reflected on the official Copa Airlines website, which states that neither exams nor entry forms are required.

Although health requirements to enter Panama are abolished, Cubans need a visa to enter that country or to stop.

Transit visa for Cubans in Panama

The Official Digital Gazette for Monday 12 September 2022 For another three months Passenger or crew visa in transit, as a requirement for Cuban citizens traveling through the Republic of Panama.

Excluded from this provision are those who travel to Cuba, travelers who hold a tourist visa or valid residency from the Republic of Panama, or those who have permanent residence of five years or more in third countries and return to those countries.

See also  Cuba to increase cooperation in the field of education

Likewise, those with valid residency or multiple visas, from Canada, the United States of America, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Republic of Korea, the State of Japan, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of Singapore and any of the countries that make up the European Union.

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