7 out of 10 Spaniards are worried about their retirement

the economic inflation In July it rose again. As the latest data from INE located in 2.3%, an increase of 0.4%. Thus, core inflation, which excludes the more volatile items such as energy and fresh food and is considered trend inflation, remains high with an increase in 0.3% MoM, standing at 6.2%.

In this inflationary context, Saving for the future is difficult for many citizens. In fact, as reported in the European report on consumer payments for intrumAnd 70% of Spaniards are worried about not being able to afford it the retirement looseThis is a figure eight points higher than the European average (62%). Spain is located Among the ten countries most worried about their retirementin the list is occupied by Portugal (79%), above France (60%), Germany (58%), the United Kingdom (57%) and Italy (55%).

The report reveals that 73% of those surveyed in Spain fear that inflation will reduce their cash savingswhich is a response rate two points above the European average (71%).


The effect of inflation on financial well-being

In recent months, the general increase in prices has also led to a increase in daily life Which on many occasions translates to Increasing financial pressures on citizens.was referred to in the study.

In this sense, more than half (51%) of those surveyed in Spain indicate this Your worry about rising bills has a negative impact on your financial well-being. This percentage is 10 points higher than that recorded in 2021, which reflects that residents are more and more interested in this aspect.

See also  Remittances from Spain and Chile fell and remittances from the United States rose.

However, the Spanish ratio Seven points below the European average (58%). The report by Intrum states that out of the 24 countries analyzed, Greece (78%), Latvia (71%), Portugal and Poland (70%) are rated as the countries the population is most interested in. By contrast, Norway (47%), Denmark (46%), the Netherlands and Switzerland (45%) are on the other extreme.

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