Young scientist invites CetMar students to study science

Carla Padilla / Overwatch
[email protected] | Cove, BC

With the aim of motivating young people to study a career related to science and eliminating the stigma of being bored or old scientists, the Science Club of the Center for Technological Studies of the Sea (CetMar) organized 11 lectures entitled “Searching for signs of life in an alien ocean.
The lecture was delivered by Guillermo Adrian Chin Canchi, a Ph.D. student in physical oceanography at Cicese who is currently collaborating as an associate student on the NASA Dragonfly Project.
During his talk, the young man delved into astrobiology, a topic he is currently developing, as he was able to talk about an extraterrestrial ocean and a satellite called Enceladus, a satellite discovered in 2006 to contain hydrothermal vents.
“The hydrothermal vent is like a volcano, but instead of being on the surface, it’s at the bottom of the ocean and these volcanoes have the potential to generate life. In fact, one of the most accepted theories to this day is that the origin of life here on Earth was through water vents. thermal”.
The young Maya invited young people to do this if they wanted to study a scientific career, as he insisted that scientists are not boring people or just in a lab, but that they can discover incredible things.
“They realize that doing science isn’t as boring as many people think, that we all have this ability to be scientists, and remove a little bit of the stigma that scientists are smart people and that they are born in a golden cradle and that they are only successful because they have some luck or something kind,” he said.

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scientific Club
For his part, Jose Pedro Ars Serrano, Professor and President of the Campus Science Club, emphasized that this educational space has a semi-annual conference program, which seeks to enhance the scientific interest of students.
He noted that in addition to this, there are other activities in the club, such as the creation of a digital newspaper within the student community, in addition to the fact that some of the technical professions that are offered on campus are purely scientific.
“Here in Ensenada we have a lot of opportunities, because we have Cicese, we have the Astronomy Institute, we have the Oceanographic Research Institute, the UABC, we have so many things and sometimes we see it so common that we don’t, how lucky we are to have All these people, ‘we should take advantage of that’.

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