Why are there no vaccines in Mexico?

As if Mexican society lacks any cause for alarm, for 24 months Vaccinations Forming the basic picture of childhood and adulthood was rare. Reason:
Inexplicably, the federal government decided to purchase fewer vaccines than the population of Mexico needed.

Vaccines are not Very luxurious Or consumable, but it’s the best tool for making The right to health And reduce the expenses that the public health system will have to incur in the event of illness.

Planned vaccinate children Mexico has 14 vaccines that protect against about 20 diseases, with a government Brown woman The coverage is not even 80 percent.

For example, in 2016, 14 million doses of vaccine against tuberculosis And in 2021, only 83 thousand, despite being one of the most deadly diseases threatening young people. As a result of this irresponsible government action, it is estimated that between 300,000 and 500,000 minors in our country are at risk of contracting the disease. And this is the reason for the uncontrolled increase in cases: while in 2018 there were 17 thousand, and in 2019 there were 45 thousand. And it affects those with less.

Vaccine against Human papillomavirus (HPV), about 3.3 million doses were obtained in 2016 and only 100,000 in 2020. With this decision, the population is left unprotected from diseases, especially girls and young men who can effectively prevent the disease. Cervical cancer With this two-dose vaccine, children and teenagers become carriers.

The same thing happened with Measles disease, A disease that causes serious sequelae such as infection of the central nervous system which can occur after 10 or 20 years and manifest through Mental decline And the cramps.

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Due to a lack of vaccines, we are experiencing a resurgence in Mexico of diseases that, until a few years ago, were classified as excluded and highly aggressive.

What about vaccinations for him Neonatal tetanus; From DPT (diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus) for pregnant women; flu; Hepatitis B.; Pneumococcus And hexavalent, which protects against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and polio.

We are facing political decisions that have reduced the purchase of vaccine doses between 30 and 90%, affecting the poorest people in Mexico and making them more vulnerable to disease.

In light of the facts, the Lack of medicinesThe vaccines and supplies required by the public sector in Mexico will lead to greater consequences than the visible ones, because health is a country that cannot wait for a government. Brown woman It was decided to make the necessary decisions to save and secure millions of lives Quality of life.

The Morena government has become the biggest obstacle to Mexico’s recovery, development and growth.

The Revolutionary Institute for Reform is calling for the suspension of rehabilitating baseball fields and building a refinery and train, in order to invest in what Mexico needs: health.

National President of the Constitutional Revolutionary Party

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