WhatsApp: A guide to earning space without deleting files | Play DEPOR

Saving space in WhatsApp is something to consider, especially when mobile devices have storage limitations. Oftentimes, the need to free up memory on the phone can lead to deletion of valuable content, such as photos and videos shared in chats. However, it is important to note that there are manageable ways to achieve this without deleting those important files.

While it is possible to delete duplicate files from The WhatsAppin sports We explain a simple way to prevent your smartphone from storing unnecessary information from group or individual chats. Then follow the instructions.

How to free up space on WhatsApp without deleting files

See step by step to earn space on WhatsApp from your mobile phone.

  • The first step is to open WhatsApp on your Android phone.
  • Click on the three vertical dots located in the upper right area.
  • Next, go to the “Settings” section.
  • Then click on Data Usage.
  • Immediately select the option “Auto-download multimedia”.
  • In this part you will see three options: Videos, Pictures and Audio.
  • Here you will have to uncheck all the boxes to save maximum space.
  • You can also choose the alternatives that you think might weigh more.
  • Finally, go back to the main interface and you’re done.

From now on, every time you want to see photos and videos or listen to voice notes being sent to you, you can do so as long as you download them manually.

How to send quick replies on WhatsApp

Although this functionality is exclusive to WhatsApp Business, that doesn’t mean you can’t use some strategies to respond faster in and without going into the Meta app.

  • First, make sure that WhatsApp notifications are turned on.
  • Once done, just wait for the message to arrive.
  • When the message appears, go to the notification panel.
  • Click the arrow next to the message.
  • You will immediately see a space bar to respond.
  • Write your answer here and click “Submit”.
  • After that, the notification will disappear.
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This way, you will be able to reply to messages in moments without having to open the app, similarly, if you are using another app and receive a message, you can reply without leaving what you are doing.

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