What was invented first, television or radio? Facebook or Twitter?

Old telephone and old electronic equipment on a wooden floor.  Technology & # xed;  a

An old television set, radio and telephone, among other old technical equipment. (GT)

The past decades have inundated us with new technologies, from the ways we listen to music to the way we communicate.

Some technological innovations have become a part of everyday life, while others have fallen by the wayside as they are replaced by more modern technology.

The truth is, the change between the arrival of different technological devices was so fast and overwhelming that we may not remember what was invented first … for example, can you remember whether a Sony Walkman came before or after the MiniDisc player? What was invented first, the Fitbit or the Apple Watch? It sounds easy but maybe not.

This 10-question multiple-choice test will test your knowledge of what was created first, from video game consoles to cell phones that we now can’t leave the house without.

Try to see how it will go.

And the Have you challenges and knowledge, test yourself with many quizzes and trivia, In this link.

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