Volkswagen is committed to positive leadership to enhance luxury

  • The company has chosen not to organize meetings outside working hours, and at the same time, it is developing courses on self-management and time management.
  • Bosses should suggest positive actions each month and each employee receives tools to implement in their daily work.
  • Assessments of the status of employee well-being are conducted at the VW Group Academy every week.

At Volkswagen, each leader is directed to implement actions that advance the organization’s values ​​and foster a positive environment. At least one monthly share. “The idea is to create a healthy competition to receive proposals, which we then share with collaborators and include a toolkit to achieve them,” says Mayte García, who specializes in digital training.

This is the case at the Volkswagen Group Academy enhance wellbeing It’s a way to build trust with your employees, retain collaborators, and attract young talent with a greater focus on emotional pay.

2018 was a major year for HR for this company, implementing measures such as an emotional “toolbox”; In other words, suggestions to promote a good work environment and for employees to face difficult moments. This venture originated and has continued in every area of ​​the company ever since.

“We also decided to conduct a weekly wellness assessment, to see how happy each team member is and how he feels with his teammates”; Adds Maria Fernanda Penn, systems training and digitization at the Volkswagen Group Academy in Mexico.

The intent is that for each activity Employees are provided with items to introduce in their daily life. For example, if there is a health conference, the speaker is asked to develop a tool related to the dynamics of the talk; Then the managers implement each team.

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We live together to have a positive connection

Other initiatives promoted by Volkswagen to improve wellbeing include sessions in which they ask to join the employee’s family; The goal is to create an environment of trust where there are issues outside of work.

At Group Academy, they also faced challenges working remotely, including setting disconnection limits.

“It’s a challenge not to organize after-hours meetings, so we have offered courses for better time management and self-management. This all adds up to improving our KPIs, since we have a collaborator who sees their needs covered, and experiences more well-being and commitment,” says Mighty. Garcia.

The Volkswagen Group Academy is one of 24 companies to have received the Wellbeing Factor 2021 wellness badge, prepared by the Institute for the Science of Wellbeing and Happiness in collaboration with Business Insider Mexico.

The study identifies well-being factors in each of the participating organizations, those practices that Promote work-life balance for the employee, which provides them with the tools to perform optimally and gives them opportunities to use and develop their strengths in daily activities.

Read now: Happiness is free, but how is it achieved?

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