USCIS announces a savings of approximately $100 for this non-immigrant visa service. Who will benefit? | International | News

Note this date well: starting October 1, for people with visas Non-immigrant He stated that they will no longer have to pay $85 to have their fingerprints taken if they want to change or renew their visa status. Telemundo 47.

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reported earlier this week that it has waived the biometric services fee for Form I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status.

Effective October 1, “we will waive the $85 biometric services fee as part of the Form I-539 application process. You do not have to pay the fee if your application is postmarked on or after October 1,” USCIS explains on its website on the Internet.

These are US immigration processes that will no longer pay biometric service fees

What is Form I-539?

USCIS explains that this form is used by:

  • Certain nonimmigrants who wish to extend their stay or change to another nonimmigrant status
  • Residents of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CMNI) apply for primary status
  • F and M nonimmigrants applying to return to their jobs and
  • People who want to obtain V nonimmigrant status or extend stay as a V nonimmigrant.

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Benefits Saving of nearly $100

Photography: Pexels/Tawfiq Barbouya

the Limit Announced by USCIS on September 25, 2023, and notified Telemundo 47“,”benefits to:

  • People with a tourist visa,
  • student,
  • students exchange,
  • journalists,
  • Diplomats and consular staff.

In announcing the biometric services fee waiver for all Form I-539 applicants, USCIS emphasizes: In most cases, after October 1, applicants will not be called for biometric services.

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However, if USCIS determines that biometrics are required, the applicant will receive a notification with appearance information for their biometric services appointment.


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