Upaep. Researchers urge changes to be made in discussions between candidates

Debates between the candidates for the position A popular choice in Puebla In general, it is severe and limited in certain issues in the country. However, it is imperative to offer citizens greater freedom to analyze the behavior of each participant and the exercise helps them determine their vote.

In the previous point, the researchers from Puebla State People’s Autonomous University (Upaep), Herminio Sánchez de la Barquera y ArroyoDean of Social Sciences; Juan Pablo Aranda Vargas, Academic from the School of Political Science and Government; s Valenti Talabs GonzalezDirector of the College of Political Science and Government, who highlighted the importance of electoral authorities and political parties organizing a greater number of discussions.

Hermeneo Sanchez de la Barquera y Arroyo, Dean of Social Sciences at Upaep, highlighted discussions such as the one that will take place on Sunday between the mayoral candidates of Puebla, It requires better organization So that the participants can discuss issues of concern to the citizens.

He regretted that discussions were, in general, static in Mexico, and before that, it was necessary to move towards open exercises in which candidates had time and could question each other.

He stressed that, on many occasions, it is believed that in other countries, discussions are only candidates’ contributions, when they are held in Europe. Free exercises and not necessarily all applicants For the same popular electoral function.

“It is important to make a change because you have to think of a real debate, a discussion with free time. We see heated discussions. Discussions should be free and have to be led by people who challenge the participants, so that the arguments can be dealt with,” he said.

At the time, Valenti Talabs Gonzalez, Director of the School of Political Science and Government at Upaep, highlighted the importance of Changing political campaign strategies So that more discussions are organized instead of printing a canvas or paper, or spending it on TV.

“It is necessary to have discussions between the candidates. We must move to an electoral process in which the candidates can participate in further discussions and debates.

Meanwhile, Juan Pablo Aranda Vargas, a researcher at the School of Political Science and Government, has expressed the importance of the discussions led by Mediators who challenge candidates So that citizens know their reactions in difficult moments.

“It is imperative that in the debates there are people who are intellectually aggressive and challenge the candidates, not this game of insults. He expressed the importance of organizing discussions of the proposals.


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