UK suspends the Homeopathic Association

The The UK Healthcare Professionals Regulatory Authority The Homeopaths Association (SoH) has suspended, after the conditions set by this body were not fulfilled in 2020.

Under the Approved Records Program, UK organizations can apply for accreditation for records kept by healthcare professionals that meet certain criteria. The Homeopathic Society was first accredited in 2014. In February its accreditation was renewed, on the condition that this organization clarify that its members They cannot promote complementary therapies that are inconsistent with the values ​​of the regulatory authority.

Depending The competent authority informs itself in a noteSince there is a suspicion that members of this homeopathic community recommend some remedies that do not align with the science, it should be suspended.

The comment will be reviewed after 12 months. In order to raise the profile, the LGBTQ community must demonstrate that it prioritizes public protection over professional interests in its handling of complaints and governance processes. If this community can show this It is achieved by fulfilling the conditions for lifting the suspension.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that you consult the reader on any health-related question with a healthcare professional.

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