UK alert due to increase in travel scams | Travel agency news

UK alert due to increase in travel scams |  Travel agency news

The Association of British Travel Agencies (ABTA) and the National Cyber ​​Crime Service (Practical Fraud) have raised the alarm about an increase in consumer fraud when booking trips abroad. According to the data collected, “last year they lost a staggering £12.3 million (€14.3 million) (the cry of some clients deceived by an agency: ‘They took our hope’).

Fraud cases received a total of 6,640 complaints throughout the year, with July and August being the highest volume months, with 904 and 781 complaints respectively. The average fraud per claimant was £1,851, or €2,163.

“Scammers are using increasingly sophisticated tactics to target consumers, especially focusing on destinations and times of year when demand is high and availability is limited, because they know people will be looking for good deals,” warns Mark Tanzer, CEO of ABTA.

“Often, victims only discover they have been scammed before they travel, or even at the resort, when it is very difficult to find an alternative, leading to further costs and potential disappointment,” he adds.

For her part, Pauline Smith, Director of Action Fraud, explains: “With the cost of living crisis putting pressure on our finances, it is easy to forget to be wary of scammers who offer cheaper offers and very high prices.” “.It's too good to be honest.”

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