UATx graduate students of political science and public administration

UATx graduate students of political science and public administration

August 25 – 2023

UATx graduate students of political science and public administration

The Faculty of Law, Political Science and Criminology of the Autonomous University of Tlaxcala (UATx), held the graduation ceremony for the 2019-2023 generation of the Bachelor of Political Science and Public Administration, at the stations of political analysis and public administration, which was held in the Manuel de Lardizábal y Uribe interactive hall.

Addressing his message to the 14 graduates, Dr. Serafín Ortiz-Ortiz, Dean of UATx, specified that those entering UATx live their academic training in three moments: self-recognition, self-determination and self-realization, aspects that have allowed them to reach the end of their professional studies and that allow professionals with Social commitment to integration into society.

Noting that UATx has excellent teachers and infrastructure, allowing young people to graduate from high-quality educational programmes, he stressed that the university today, in an accelerated and growing process, has become one of the best universities in the world. country, in addition to having materials written for the next decade that will guide the training of future professionals and have a social impact.

For his part, Professor Dante Morales Cruz, Director of the College, stated that with this ceremony they conclude their professional preparation in a university with a vision of service and humanity, and therefore, not only outstanding professionals graduate, but also those who will graduate to contribute to society.

Speaking, Professor Hector Stevenson Carrasco, Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration, expressed that in this academic programme, different abilities are developed that allow them to design and apply actions that address and solve public problems.

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On behalf of his colleagues, Alberto Duran Valencia expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the teachers who, through his teachings, helped shape his personality, as well as to his parents for their support and accompaniment, and urged the graduates to practice their profession ethically. Respect, honesty, skills, culture and social justice are the values ​​that characterize the alma mater of the state of Tlaxcala.

At this ceremony, Dr. Serafín Ortiz-Ortiz was honored for a year as President of the University, in which results of improvement and progress have already been noted in what is shaping up as the transformation of the University.

The administrative structure of the Autonomous University of Tlaxcala and the teaching staff as well as the teachers and relatives of the alumni attended this work.

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