UAT delivery in Matamoros 2017-2022 generation of medical surgeons – contact

74 graduates of the Faculty of Medicine and Computer Systems Engineering in Matamoros receive their diploma of studies

A total of 74 students from the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (UAT) received recognition for completing their studies in the Education Program for Medical Surgeons taught by the Faculty of Medicine and Computer Systems Engineering of Matamoros (FMISCM), corresponding to the 2017-2022 generation.

At a ceremony held in person, the graduation was presided over by Public Health Instructor Pedro Luis Mendoza Mozquez, Principal of that college, and delivered a message on behalf of CP Guillermo Mendoza Cavazos, President of UAT.

He urged the new graduates to enhance the role of medicine through their professional practice, and reminded them that this is just one of many other steps, with which they must raise the name of their college and university to a very high level.

He also acknowledged the commitment of teachers and students to continue their professional training in emergency situations, in order to achieve this important achievement that allowed them to acquire the tools and knowledge necessary to develop in this profession.

After making the traditional appeal, go to reading the file Hippocratic oath for each member of the new generation of doctors; Immediately thereafter, the first generation positions were assigned to those who demonstrated the highest academic performance.

Thus came the medal “Dr. Juan Salazar Reyna, awarded by the College of Medicine and Engineering in Computer Systems, for the top three places that conclude with the highest academic average of their generation.

1st place went to Jesús Alberto Hernández Luna; The second, Gabriela Alejandra Gonzalez Ramirez, the third, Daniela Alejandra Macias Gonzalez and Gerardo Rosales Vega.

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The efforts of those students who participated as instructors in various subjects within their academic preparation, as well as the cooperation of the graduates who were part of the respected local technical council, were also recognized.

On behalf of the 2017-2022 generation of medical surgeons, Jesús Alberto Hernández Luna offered a few dedicated words to his colleagues and a letter of gratitude to relatives for the support provided to achieve his academic training.

The ceremony was attended by Dr. Yolanda Castelo Moraira, Director of the Matamoros Interdisciplinary Academic Unit. Ruben Montalvo Montelongo, Dean of Matamoros College of Medicine; Dr.. The secretariats and functional coordination of this UAT academic institution.

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