Tune the university 2019-2020 with new statistics about the distance method

As every year, SPU’s Department of University Information provides a report with the most recent essential information and indicators about university institutions; Number of undergraduates, graduates, and graduate students, academic supply and human resources of national universities

In this new edition, for the second year in a row, a “rate of change between academic offerings” is included, which this time contains a new indicator: change between professions in the various branches of knowledge.

The Secretary of University Policies, Jaime Berzek, stressed “the importance of obtaining accurate and up-to-date information on the development of our university system” and stressed that “public universities provide education to eight out of ten university students in our country.”

Among other developments, the chapter on the distance method includes a historical series on the development of students, new enrollees, undergraduate and postgraduate graduates between 2011 and 2019. It should be made clear that this data is consistent with the pre-pandemic period, and does not include the hypothetical emergency method that universities had to adopt during 2020.

Basic indicators
Among the data collected, it is clear that the Argentine university system includes 2343,587 students studying 11,245 undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students who are taught in 131 public and private universities across the country. From 2010 until now, the university and undergraduate enrollment rate has grown by 27.3%, a development which is also reflected in the number of enrollments and recent graduates. In fact, in the past decade, new arrivals have grown by 43.6% and graduation levels have improved as well, increasing by 36.7%.

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Most of the selected professions
It is noted that the largest number of students choose the social sciences (37.5%) which together with the humanities (19.6%) represents nearly 60% of the undergraduate and university enrollment. At the other extreme is the basic sciences, comprising only 2.6% of the total student population.

For their part, there are two branches of study that are of great importance to the country, such as health sciences (essential during a pandemic) and applied science (strategy for development), and it contains 19% and 20.4% of students respectively. In high school, the data are very similar: 40% study Cs. social.

The rate of change between academic offerings
Through this indicator, it was possible to find out that 22.7% of students changed their degree in the second year of study, of whom 9.9% did so towards offering a different branch from the one initially chosen (for example, from the social sciences to the health sciences).
This information is very important to the university system, as it allows students to know more precisely the paths of students and distinguish the percentage of those who drop out from those who change jobs.

Remote mode
For the year 2019, 5.7% of the academic offerings for undergraduates and 3.5% of the graduate programs were distance courses. Although it does not represent a large percentage in total races, the amazing thing is that in the past decade it has been a phenomenon that has not stopped growing. From 2011 until now, the number of students choosing this type of course has increased by 64.5% and the number of graduates has increased by 190.3%, which is a surprising development.

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Women’s participation
Women continue to be the majority in the student population: they represent 58.6% of all students, 58.4% of new entrants and 61.2% of graduates. However, female participation drops sharply among higher authorities. For example, in 56 national universities, there are only 6 principals. (No data from private universities).
Synthesis of University Information is a publication prepared thanks to the data gathered from the information provided by the universities through Araucano Information Systems, List of Authorities and Employment Guide.

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