Top Health Tech (Top Doctors) will provide health services using artificial intelligence in the UK

Catalan company Top Health Tech, Specializing in the development of artificial intelligence applied to health and innovative technological solutions, It won a tender worth £100,000, or around €115,500, in the UK to create an occupational health portal. the beginning, It belongs to the Top Doctores platform for medical appointments, It will use artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a system that makes it easier for British SMEs and the self-employed to access the country's public workplace prevention system. Top Health Tech has just prepared the prototype of the portal that it will introduce at the beginning of 2024.

According to Top Health Tech's Director of Research and Innovation, Jordi Cossido, the portal they are developing “receives inquiries from SMEs and informally self-employed people, and the AI ​​and blockchain tool we created refers them to a medical specialist.” In this sense, Caucido emphasizes that “thanks to the portal and the application that has been developed, The Top Doctors program will provide specialist services to 16 million workers in SMEs in the UK”, a country it entered in 2016. “This pilot program will be expanded to include the rest of the countries where we have a presence,” Caucido adds, and includes a statement from Acció, the business competitiveness agency of the Ministry of Business and Labor that has accompanied Top Health Tech in this process.

Top Health Tech already has a commercial presence in more than 10 countries, offering digital solutions using AI tools and blockchain technology, such as generative AI for interpreting analytics, algorithms for treatment recommendations, or advanced analysis of medical images. In addition, it is a leader in the research, development and virtualization of medical services in meta-environments, and has a range of cutting-edge technology products to improve medical care and the patient experience.

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A group of distinguished doctors led by Alberto Borciani, he Specializing in artificial intelligence applied to health and innovative technology solutions, which provides an interconnected ecosystem of cutting-edge technology spanning all levels of the healthcare process. company, Founded in 2013, it is headquartered in Barcelona, ​​but has two headquarters Axes And more, one in Mexico City and another in New York. Pending final data for the fiscal year 2023, the group's expectations indicated a sales volume of 27.7 million euros. Since its inception it has reached more than 250 million people.

The group's presence in the UK was strengthened in 2023 with the purchase of British company I Want Great Care (Iwgc), which specializes in carrying out assessments of doctors, clinics and hospitals in the country. With this merger, the number of employees in the Top Doctores Group will grow to 455 employees.

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