May 25, 2021 14:34 GMT
It has been discovered that when we use this browser in incognito mode, all the tabs we open join the same individual session, that is, there is no separation between tabs.
IPhone, iPad, and Mac users should stop using the Google Chrome web browser and switch to Safari, the closed source browser developed by Apple, according to an article published last week by Forbes.
The reason is that when we use Google Chrome in incognito mode, all the tabs we open join the same individual session, that is, there is no separation between tabs. If you have an Incognito tab open and another one open, your private browsing session will continue on the new tab.
Hidden privacy risks

To end the session and delete this information, it is necessary to close all incognito tabs. The magazine notes that this is a “hidden privacy risk” because we tend to run a lot of tabs and keep browsers open for a long time.
While third-party ‘cookies’ are blocked by default in incognito mode, third-party ‘iframes’ can follow, such as embedding Twitter and Facebook, under certain circumstances Keep track of your usersThe two security researchers Tom Musk and Talal Hajj Bakri explained in Prof. Video From YouTube.
It also indicates that if the user logs in, the service can link the reference information in the link to his account, explaining that this will not happen in Safari because this browser provides a separate session for each window and tab.
Why Safari?

Early last year, Google announced a plan to gradually block third-party tracking cookies in Chrome over two years, but within a second. Video Recently posted by Mysk and Haj Bakry have not made any changes, so advertisers can still track which users open web pages in that browser freely.
Security researchers continue: “Safari not only blocks third-party“ cookies ”by default, but also removes source“ cookies ”from sites that have not been visited within seven days. Safari handles ‘cookies’ More carefully From Chrome, “they add.
On the other hand, Forbes points out that Chrome is a tracking tool called FLoC, which is run by Google. The text concludes, “This will set it apart from Apple even further, as the nuances of algorithmically classified users identified through common navigation links become apparent.”
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