The UK is delaying its commitment to provide phytosanitary certification for the export of fruit and vegetables until January 1, 2022

The United Kingdom’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs published on its website an update of the conditions required for the import of fruits, vegetables, flowers and plants, among them the delay in the obligation to submit the phytosanitary certificate until January 1, 2022, a procedure that was scheduled to take effect on April 1, which was made Positively evaluated by the pooled sector in FEPEX.

In the UK Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs website update, it is detailed that all vegetables and fruits imported from the European Union will be free to submit a phytosanitary certificate until December 31, 2021. As of January 1, 2021 2022 indicates that the “most common fruit” is Only “root vegetables and tubers” and “leafy vegetables” should be served (excluding processed salads).

On the other hand, the British government is also considering delaying the entry into force of the phases it had initially put in place for greater control over imports, such as border control.

FEPEX positively appreciates the decision to postpone to January 2022 the requirement to obtain a phytosanitary certificate for most fruits and vegetables as the new documentary obligations deriving from the UK’s departure from the European Union are avoided.

Spanish exports of fresh fruits and vegetables to the United Kingdom in 2020 remained stable in terms of volume, reaching 1.5 million tons and growing by 7% in value, reaching 1903 million euros. In 2020, the UK is no longer a member of the European Union, but a transition period has been agreed in which the terms of export have not changed.

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Vegetable exports to the UK in 2020 amounted to 874,094 tons, up 3% from 2019 of € 902 million, up 6%. Sales of lettuce feature 128,635 tons (+ 4%), followed by cabbage 125,062 tons (-1%), pepper 103,507 tons (+ 11%) and cucumbers 101,884 tons (+ 3%).

Regarding fruits, Spanish exports to the UK in 2020 amounted to 676,849 tons (-6%) with a value of € 1001 million (+ 7%). After citrus, melon sales were 73,553 tons (-1%), watermelon 53,756 tons (-8%) and strawberries 40,515 tons (8 + 6%), according to data from the Customs and Excise Department. Processed by FEPEX.

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