The UK continues to break infection records per day, registering 120,000 more

The UK scored a new score The number of coronavirus infections, with nearly 120,000 new infections Cases in the past 24 hours, a number that has become the highest since the outbreak of the pandemic and this confirms the high level of transmission of the omicron variant, after yesterday the country exceeded 100,000 infections for the first time.

Health authorities confirmed 119,789 more cases of Covid-19. The previous record was surpassed on Wednesday itself when 10,6,122 infections were discovered in a single day. On the other side, Killed 147 people Sickness result in the last 24 hours. The omicron variant is still a concern in the country, as it was discovered in the last day 16,817 new cases of this variant, for a total of 90,906 since it was first discovered.

Despite these data, Prime Minister Boris Johnson denied that he intends to announce new restrictions before Christmas, Although it is not excluded that there will be more actions later. The government agreed to reduce the isolation period for those infected in England from ten to seven, as long as they were vaccinated and given negative in two tests.

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