The positive image of the administration of Argentine President – Prinsa Latina is growing

According to the poll, published by the newspaper Pagina 12, more than half of the population considers the administration of the president as good or very good, who took office in December 2019, three months before the arrival of the epidemic.

The data is more than relevant given the legacy left by the previous government, the epidemic and the relentless bombardment of (political alliance) Campimus and the media allied to former President Mauricio Macri. In addition, there is strong support for what has been done in the face of the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), says journalist Raoul Coleman, from page 12 in a comment.

1,100 people from all over the country participated in the survey, with respect to age, gender, economic and social levels, which was taken over the phone.

In terms of managing the health issue, seven out of 10 of those interviewed considered that the government administration is ensuring that vaccines arrive as well, while three out of four Argentines say the growth of cases occurs because people do not respect protocols.

According to sociologist Roberto Bachmann, head of the center who conducted the survey, Fernandez’s image has been recovering since the end of last year. In these times, when challenges and doubts abound, having a certain form of closeness, honesty and ability to solve problems like the pandemic is not a secondary problem, he says.

To the question of how the government administration is evaluating to ensure that vaccines get into the country, 68 percent of those surveyed answered in the affirmative, 29 percent of bad or very bad and 2.2 percent did not give an opinion.

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Despite the hate campaigns and fake news that have flooded the media and the digital world of our country, the president maintains an image that approximates a very important value when he asks about measures that have been taken to confront the pandemic. Head of Ceop.

JCM / May

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