The International Book Fair in Social Sciences launches tickets for its second edition

Tickets for limited capacity activities are now available for free at or From April 4 to 14, Recoleta Municipal Square will once again host the most important event in the book of social sciences in Chile.

There is less and less time left until one of the main events of literature and arts in our country lands its second local edition, turning Recoleta zócalo into a unique reference space for the social sciences of our country. Book presentations, discussion tables, forums, music, arts and dances from around the world come together here for a long-awaited event that hopes to repeat the success of its first edition in 2023 when more than 40,000 people attended.

This year, more than 50 national publishers, an international publishers pavilion, a Latin American courtyard, and a food and activities area for all ages joined the event. The organization announces its latest confirmed international guests and more than 100 activities during the 11 days that the exhibition will run. In addition, professional conferences dedicated to professionals in the field of education, art, books and libraries have been confirmed, in collaboration with the Open University of Recoleta UAR, the Memory Museum, the Library Network, Clacso and FIL Chile.

During this Wednesday the 13th, limited capacity tickets have been launched, and the rest of the activities starting from 10:00 AM until 8:00 PM are free to enter, and you can enjoy more than 100 scheduled activities, an art exhibition, a Latin American cultural pavilion and promotions from More than 60 publishers.

For activities with limited capacity, you must download your free ticket by going to the website, the link in the FILChile Instagram bio or directly to

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Activities with limited capacity include the light show and Raúl Zurita’s poems “The Flickering of Memory,” the presentation of the Chilean historian Gabriel Salazar, who presents his latest book “Ricabarín,” or the conference presented by the feminist activist Esther Pineda. “Dying to be Beautiful” and “Being African American in Latin America.” In addition, there is a series of activities for different national repertories with limited capacity for their performances Hernán Rivera Letelier with “The Hidden Life of a Writer”, director Gonzalo Frías who will present a show entitled “The Big Screen in Latin America”, Chilean musician and poet Mauricio Redoles with “The Laughter We Still Hear” “Or journalist Mirko Macari, presenting Freddy Stock with Gonzalo Peralta and the first time that Alejandra Matos and Dario Quiroga will perform live with their program 32 Minutes.

Some of the shows that are already seeing a high demand for their tickets, which is why the organization is considering expanding their capacity, are “Recital de Mitos” by Argentines Dario Stajenszárjer and Soledad Barotti, and “Era of Right-wing Conspiracy” by Argentines Dario Stajenszárjer and Soledad Barotti. Spanish journalist Ignacio Ramone, presentation of “Latin American Objects” by Juan Salvat and Francisco Ortega, “The Dark Side of the Family” by Luciano Lotto, presentation of the philosopher and greatest advocate of the theory of popular education Paulo Freire, Brazilian-Argentine Walter Cohan with “Paulo Freire more than ever “, and “A Look at Writing in Philosophy” by the Japanese Jun Fujita Hirose, or a review of the latest book by Franco Pivo Berardi.

One of the activities that attracted attention is one in which astronomy professor José Maza participates, called “Latin America under the stars.”

At the conclusion of the exhibition, the trans-Andean political leader Juan Graboa, who has become one of the most important leaders of the neighboring country and whom the government of Javier Miley considers one of its biggest threats, is scheduled to be presented. A trans-Andean show will be presented on April 14 titled “Humanity’s Worst Devastating Claims.” He will also be accompanied during these 11 days by Feminista Argentina activist Rita Segato and the journalist and coordinator of Canal Red de España, who recently conducted an interview with the President of Mexico Andrés López Obrador that caused an international stir, Inna Afinogenova.

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In addition, for “Professional Conferences” it is not necessary to download a ticket but to register at the link

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