The green comet begins to appear with the naked eye: when and how to locate it in the sky | Sciences

Astronomers and fans are already snapping at the comet, which will soon reach its closest point to Earth.

wonderful Green kiteand his official name C/2022 E3 (ZTF)At most, with the naked eye recent reports. Until a few days ago, the space object was captured only with telescopes and binoculars; However, the closer it is to Earth, the brighter it is significantly increased.

It will be visible both in the Northern Hemisphere (Mexico, Spain, Venezuela, Colombia, etc.), as well as in Ecuador and the Southern Hemisphere (Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, etc.). Undoubtedly, it is one of the astronomical events The most important year is 2023.

NASA said in the journal Comet ZTF no longer requires a telescope to view Photo description With a long exposure taken on January 19, the object is observed as a green star in the sky.

The Green Comet, captured from Salamanca, Spain. Photo: Oscar Martin Mesonero

A comet crosses our cosmic neighborhood For the first time in 50,000 yearsso astronomers and space enthusiasts do not want to miss the opportunity to witness its close passage.

What is a comet and why is this one green?

the Kites They are cold bodies consisting of dust, rocks and frozen gases, which circulate in the boundaries of the solar system. However, they are sometimes attracted towards the Sun. When this happens, the heat from the star slowly begins to evaporate, so a cloud called a coma and tail forms around it.

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