“The government wants 30% of the public to return to the stadiums after Easter”

There will be no audience in Spanish professional sports in the short term. The Supreme Sports Council, which had set a date for a meeting to discuss this issue with the top leaders of the two main professional sports leagues in Spain – Liga Santander and Liga Endesa -, He decided to postpone this meeting until the health situation in Spain stabilized. “It might take several weeks, at the moment we don’t have much to say on this,” they admit.

The Director of OKDIARIO, Eduardo Enda, revealed at El Chiringuito de Jugones the intentions of the Supreme Sports Council regarding the return of the public to the stadiums. It’s an idea that sounds like a fireman now, but the government and … And the CSD announced that 30% of the public will return to the stadiums after Easter. “

The idea they agreed on in December He was scheduled to meet in January to plan for the public to return as the vaccine arrivesHowever, this option was destroyed after Spain completely entered the third wave of the epidemic Record casualty records across the country on recent dates.

Sources consulted by OKDIARIO see the possibility that The fans return to the stadiums on Easter as soon as possible An explicit ruling on the presence of spectators in basketball in the Copa del Rey and most likely the King’s Cup of Spain soccer finals scheduled for April. If anything It will be from this second date, but in a very limited way in terms of percentage.

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In the United States, there has been a return of fans to stadiums, and they have entered 30% in recent weeks, as has been seen in several NBA and NFL games. Not in vain, at Super Bowl in two weeks there will be an audience, Although the majority will be vaccinated for health workers who will receive this award as a reward for their outstanding work throughout the pandemic.

In Spain, many clubs register Massive economic losses for not being able to appear in their stadiums, Although basketball players are perhaps the hardest hit, those already have problems surviving without a pandemic. The risk of bankruptcy of several ACB League clubs is more than existing CSD that has ready to meet the needs of basketball sport immediately.

In the football world, there is a split in opinion on the issue. Everyone agrees on a general return as soon as possibleBut many differ in circumstances due to the opening of a stadium with a capacity of 60,000 spectators a third of its capacity It is unprofitable in many cases for all of the costs involved. On the other hand, smaller clubs have no problem opening their stadiums as quickly as possible.

The cards are on the table in a case essential to the survival of Spanish sport. The CSD knows that the longer it takes to close fields, the more difficult the situation will be to overcome, however Nor will they put people who are going through critical moments at risk. The curve is at all-time highs and there are more and more voices calling for a complete lockdown until a high percentage of the population is vaccinated. According to Pedro Sanchez, 70% of Spaniards will have immunity in the summer. If this is the case, clubs can resume their activities as usual.

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