The flag of Lyon that appears the most on Google

Carmen Tapia


Ten scientists from the University of Lyon appear in the list compiled by the Superior Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) since last year using data from Google Scholar. In the latest classification of Spanish researchers working in Spain and outside its borders and foreigners who do so in Spanish centers and universities, there are well-known and lesser-known faces of Lyon science.

Compared to the last publication in November 2022, the list of registered scholars has seen an increase of more than 10,000 new authors, making this database the most complete in Spain with more than 123,000 profiles.

First place on the list of the most cited Spanish scientists on Google Scholar is occupied by a little-known name, Francisco Maturas, who works at the Cantabrian Institute of Physics. His H-index is 310, while his papers have a score of 377,585. Most of the cited research is in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector, which operates at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

After this researcher, the list is completed with 123,000 names in which the University of Lyon’s research appears.

Javier Gonzalez Gallego appears at number 393 on the list, with an H86 index and 33,848 citations on Google.

The second most named scholar from the University of León is ranked 1,351 on the list, and is researcher Miguel Brito Maradona with an h-index of 59 and 12,160 online citations. Brito Maradona runs a research group on new technologies for food preservation and food safety.

Next on the list is Antonio Moran Palau, who is ranked 1872nd with an h-index of 56 and 8525. Palau Professor The latest research indicates the use of microbial electrochemical technologies as a link between energy systems and waste treatment facilities.

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Professor Vicente Martín Sánchez appears at position 2,052, with an h-index of 54 and 11,362 research citations from the Preventive Medicine and Public Health team.

Santiago Gutierrez Martín, who runs the Engineering and Sustainable Agriculture research group, appears in the ranking at position 2455, with an h-index of 52 and 7328 citations.

Eloy Becaris, limnologist and environmental biotechnologist, specializes in wetland ecology and natural systems for water pollution remediation, ranked 2,554, with an h-index of 51 and 9,317 citations.

At number 2,564 is Miguel Ángel Conde Gonzalez, with the Robotics Research Group, which has an h-index of 51 and 9,060 citations.

Paz Herranz, Professor of Cell Biology, appears on Google Scholar at 2782 and has an h-index of 50, with 7077 citations.

Felipe Martinez Pastor is ranked 2,790, with an h50 index and 5,805 citations. He is a professor at the University of Cellular Biology and researches animal reproduction.

María Jesús Tuñón and Research on Developing Better Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Liver Diseases Using Animal and Cellular Models appears in the list at position 2,999, with an h-index of 48 and 20,797 citations.

The first woman to appear on the list is Carmen García, who holds the position of number and works at the Institute of Particle Physics in Valencia, specializing in astronomical particles.


This list is promoted by a team from the Institute for Public Policy and Goods (IPP-CSIC), and includes researchers from more than 5,000 national and international organizations. As a novelty, this edition includes Andorran institutions and an effort has been made to integrate uniform identifiers for both individuals (ORCID) and institutions (RoR). “This list aims to increase the visibility of the work carried out by our researchers and is a commitment to transparency through a publicly available and easy-to-use tool,” says Isidro F. Aguillo, of IPP-CSIC and editor of the IPP-CSIC Journal. The ranking, in a press release sent by CSIC.

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Highlighting for researchers is the high h-index, which measures their productivity and the number of citations generated by their articles published in scientific journals. According to the list, one scientist has an index greater than 300, 22 others exceed the index 200 and more than 200 exceed the index 100. Among the scientists analyzed, approximately 60% are men and 40% are women. At the top of the list are scientists specializing in particle physics, Francisco Maturas Wenig and Alberto Ruiz Gimeno, from the Cantabrian Institute of Physics (IFCA, CSIC-UC), and Sergio Gonzalez Sevilla, from the University of Geneva. The first woman, in seventh place, is physicist Carmen García, from the Institute of Particle Physics (IFIC, CSIC-UV). Best represented from other specialties is Valentin Foster, of the National Center for Cardiovascular Research. Among the institutions, CSIC is the most represented with over 6,400 profiles. Among the centers that are part of the organization are the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO-CSIC), the National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN-CSIC), the National Center for Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC) and the Institute of Materials Sciences. Outside Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC). They are followed by the Complutense Universities of Madrid with 5,973 profiles, Granada with 4,563 profiles, Seville with 4,141 profiles and Barcelona with nearly 4,000 profiles. Among private institutions, the University of Navarra stands out with more than 1,000 registered researchers.

The work was carried out at the Cybermetrics Laboratory of the Institute for Public Policy and Goods of the CSIC, with support from the Deputy Secretariat for Informatics of the CSIC.

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