Science: between denial and utilitarianism

master master

What will happen to science in the next four years? The first national majority rejects scientific consensus in its platform and was the only one among the candidates who did not have a specific section dedicated to science and innovation: its denial is an attempt to create the appearance of debate when there is nothing about issues such as climate change, the importance of biodiversity and others.

The other candidate, for his part, announces positive gestures towards the region such as increased investment to 1% of GDP, decentralization of capacity, collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to research, but fails to develop concrete proposals and partners only in terms of economic aspects, which discourages research About knowledge without practical purposes. It is necessary to remember that this lack of detail was present in all presidential programmes, and throughout the process he showed little interest in truly cross-cutting issues.

Si de algo sirvió la pandemia de Covid-19 fue para valorar la ciencia que se hace en Chile, lo que no se ve reflejado en propuestas politicas que -en mayor o menor medida- contienen vacíos importantes sobre lo que el país necesita en cuanto scientific reseach. We need both sciences: one oriented to state strategies and one motivated by curiosity without falling into the excesses of economics and utilitarianism. And of course evidence-based public policies!

More about Readers’ mail

Ivan Swazo

University Vice Dean for Research and PhD

Autonomous University of Chile

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