Salute to the psychologists in Cienfuegos

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Today, September 17, is Psychological Teacher’s Day. On a similar date, but in 1980, the prominent Swiss psychologist and biologist Jean Piaget, who made important contributions to modern psychology, died. His vast scientific output, along with that of Vygostsky and Freire, provides a foundation of knowledge that helps understand the way humans learn, communicate, and think.

Educational psychology can be considered a modern science, its first contributions are estimated in the mid-nineteenth century, and its subject of study is the human being in the state of learning. Although this is almost always associated with childhood, youth and academic knowledge, it is present in all stages and aspects of life. Therefore, these professionals are responsible for the care of human beings of any age in schools, health centers, companies and any other institution. It is a science that focuses on human development.

Educational psychology combines cognitive psychology, epistemology, psycholinguistics, education and many other sciences that provide treatments of learning processes. Their presence in educational centers is essential. In Cienfuegos, we are fortunate to have diagnostic and guidance centers in all municipalities and to have specialists in this field in schools.

Taking advantage of the solidarity provided by the Soviets in the 1960s and 1970s, the training of psychologists in Cuba began as a graduate specialty and the profession began in Cuban universities. In 2019, the Educational Psychology degree at Carlos Rafael Rodríguez University in Cienfuegos was awarded a Certificate of Excellence by the National Accreditation Council. For several years, Cuban and foreign specialists have graduated from this institution, and today they are carrying out their duties in various centers in the country and in sister countries.

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For these recognized professionals and for those who train them, we receive our appreciation and urge to continue collaborating with institutions and families to contribute to the happiness of human beings, because as current students of the program say: “A counselor can be a light” in the world. (Written by: Elizabeth Gradial, Professor at the University of Cienfuegos)

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