R. United in India seeks to strengthen defense and security in the Indo-Pacific

This content was published on Oct 23, 2021 – 08:05

NEW DELHI, Oct 23 (EFE) – British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss on Saturday sought to strengthen ties with India in defense and security matters to boost strategic cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.

Truss, who has been in Mumbai since this morning, landed yesterday in the Asian country as part of an official visit to show their support in ensuring “a free, open, inclusive and prosperous Indo-Pacific region,” the government said today in a statement. from the United Kingdom.

The letter indicates that the British minister believes that strengthening defense and security alliances with this Asian giant will bring “deeper and more secure economic relations” between the two regions.

“We need to protect our shipping and trade routes, act from a position of strength, be stubborn in defending our interests, and challenge unfair practices,” Truss said.

The statement said the aircraft carrier HMS “Queen Elizabeth”, the largest warship built by the British Navy (Royal Navy), also traveled to the Indian financial capital to show its interest in “increasing defense and maritime cooperation with India”. the authorities.

After arriving in New Delhi yesterday, the Minister met with her Indian counterpart, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, to review and discuss the progress of the 2030 Roadmap which she signed earlier this year with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

This document sets out the objectives to be pursued in matters of “maritime security, cyber security and counter-terrorism” between the two regions.

In this sense, the two leaders stressed the need to start negotiations for consolidation of a free trade agreement aimed at “quick profits for companies both in India and the UK,” India’s Ministry of External Affairs (MEA, in English) said in a statement.

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Truss took the opportunity to meet Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change Bhubandar Yadav and announced an investment package to support India’s environmental transformation. EFE

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