PS5 announces a new feature for the console arriving this year

The Sony console will invite players to help each other

PS5 announces a new feature for the console arriving this year
PS5 expects new functionality that will include all players

In recent weeks, rumors have spread about A Virtual PS5 Pro They didn't let that happen. The improved version of Sony's latest console will be twice as fast, having added all sorts of specs and even a launch window that had gamers thinking its announcement must be imminent. However, at the moment the company's plans are unknown, which instead Introduces new features to the console that went on sale in 2020.

Playstation 5 introduced a Game help system Making it easier for players to access hints, tips and videos without leaving the game to beat levels, get trophies or find hidden objects. Now, the company has revealed that it is working on the feature It will allow players to access tracks created by other playersThus complementing the existing paths created by the developers.

While the game instructions are only intended for PlayStation Plus subscribers, The Community Game Help addon will be available to all PS5 playersAnd invite them to contribute their videos. For their part, subscribers to the service will be able to view tracks from other players or access game help tracks created by developers.

Videos of players They can be evaluated on the basis of their usefulness, which will help rank the most useful and informative content. Likewise, it will be possible to enjoy this function by pressing the PS button on the DualSense through business cards containing community guides. And in the PlayStation applicationAvailable on mobile devices.

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How to contribute to helping the game community

across the PlayStation BlogSony explained that players will be able to participate in this new feature from the settings menu on the console Choose a monthly capture limit to control the number of videos they want to share. However, the video will be captured automatically, and will be reviewed by the moderation team before being published.

However, it is worth noting that as well Videos will hit as many games as possible throughout the year, is becoming an increasingly well-known function and used by players. Meanwhile, the console continues to receive other news in new updates.

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