Progress in Near Grounding: 125 Interested Companies | Companies | Business

Colombia advances in attracting companies under the near sourcing model, To date, more than 660 international companies have been contacted, 118 of which have stated that they will consider Colombia a destination.

(There are actually 12 signature announcements under the near grounding strategy.)

The idea is for companies to take advantage of state and private benefits The reorganization of its supply chain has to be close to its headquarters, presenting an opportunity for Colombia.

The national government shall encourage the creation of facilitation tools for the creation and expansion of investments, In addition to adopting sectoral and regional strategic measures to present a unified package and ensure the creation of new investments in the country.

In the fourth quarter of 2020, foreign investment rebounded 259%, to $ 2,211 million. 80% of the total investment for the year of $ 7.690 million went to the non-mining sectors.

The opportunities identified by ProColombia are 37 in North America, 28 in Latin America, 37 in Europe, and 23 in Asia. According to countries located in Germany, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, Ecuador, Spain, USA, France, Guatemala, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, UK, Switzerland, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Due to the confidentiality of the process and because they are companies in the exploration stages, it is not possible to mention names, but the sectors are diverse.

“The investments made by companies confirm the attractiveness of the country due to its location and growth, and the approximation supports the economic revitalization of Colombia.”Flavia Santoro, President of ProColombia explained.

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