PlayStation Plus lost subscribers for the first time in 8 years

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Sony introduced Financial results for the fiscal year 2021where they appeared playstation 5 sales And the sudden reception of games like Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart. However, it was also revealed that for the first time in 8 years PlayStation Plus has lost its subscribers.

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According to the figures revealed, the first fiscal quarter of 2021 scored a total of 46.3 million people on PlayStation Plus, and while it’s not a bad number at all, it’s a little lower than the last quarter of fiscal 2020, the time in which the service She has 47.6 million subscribers.

Although the situation is not that serious, we are talking about the Sony service losing subscribers, as described by a user RESTERA In the graph you can see below:

PlayStation Plus dropped from 47.6 to 46.3 million subscribers
PlayStation Plus dropped from 47.6 to 46.3 million subscribers

As you can see, the trend has always been up, but in the last fiscal quarter it fell for the first time in 8 years, a situation that Sony doesn’t consider to be a downtrend.

Sony is committed to improving PS Plus

On the other hand, Hiroki Totoki, Chief Financial Officer of Sony, stated in a meeting after presenting the report that he was not concerned about the drop in subscribers and referred to issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, the executive said that Sony will study the possible reasons behind this decline and will be committed to improving the service:

“We will monitor the situation carefully, deepen engagement and improve the platform, so over the next fiscal year we will take steps to support this business.”

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