Open call for participation in the First Latin American Symposium on Sustainable Science

This program seeks to facilitate and develop the scientific community of researchers beginning their careers in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries, as well as in the United States and Canada. The aim of this symposium is to promote scholarly exchange and dialogue between early and mid-career researchers in the Western Hemisphere and, through this interaction, facilitate research collaboration within and outside the region.

Attendees will discuss progress on a wide range of interdisciplinary topics through six plenary sessions, each led by two presenters:

Committee chairs

Monica Moreno Brush, University of Engineering and Technology, Peru

Nicola Ulibarri, University of California, Irvine, USA

Session One: Energy in a Changing World

Vanessa Magar, Ensenada Center for Research and Higher Education,

Mexico Hector Chavez, University of Santiago, Chile

Second session: Preparing for and recovering from the pandemic

Monica Berger Gonzalez, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Guatemala

Pablo Tsukuyama, Cayetano Heredia University, Peru

Third session: Oceans in light of climate change

Juan Felipe Lázaro Agudelo, Pontifical Javeriana University, Colombia

Alexandre Torra, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Session Four: Food Safety and Nutrition

Joana Lado, National Institute of Agricultural Research, Uruguay

Matías Mastrangelo, Universidade Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina

Session Five: Community resilience and preparedness for disasters

Gina Galindo Pacheco, Universidad del Norte, Colombia

Pablo Méndez Lazaro, University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, United States

Session Six: Transport Infrastructure

Julian Arellana, Universidad del Norte, Colombia

Camila Balbontin, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile

To apply and learn more, go to Official website.

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