Notes on the New General Law of the Humanities, Sciences, Technologies, and Innovation

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I have been honored to be invited and to participate in the various forums organized by Conacyt in order to advance the common law of the humanities, science, technology and innovation. In sessions lasting several hours, researchers from different universities and research centers presented our views on this law passed in recent days by the House of Representatives and the Senate. In a very brief way, here I’m detailing just a few of the thoughts I’ve given to colleagues and Conacyt authorities:

1. I welcome the establishment of the national information system stipulated in Article 52 of this draft, which guarantees access to science to society in general. These public repositories, in addition to guaranteeing this human right, will ensure that scientific knowledge is distributed to the most vulnerable communities. Both academic communities and universities have the privilege of participating in it, but every privilege also carries a responsibility, and making our products available is a very positive thing about this act.

2. Article 11 promotes academic and research freedoms and expression. – focus on promoting research in areas and issues of priority to the state; This means Pronaces calls. At this point, it is necessary to clarify clear mechanisms for agreement with the academic and scientific community on what this strategic agenda will be. And I think that, for this, continued forums will be necessary to identify those issues that need to be on the national agenda.

3 – Article 29 of the law stipulates that federal entities must establish advisory bodies that serve as spaces for expression of the academic community, as well as for the social and production sectors, in order to submit proposals for policies and programs in the state. of sciences and humanities (this point is still pending in Sinaloa).

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4. With regard to the promotion of scientific communities, it is important to strengthen thematic networks, both national and international, and to promote cooperation to find solutions to specific problems. In this sense, academic bodies should be financially strengthened, again, and given freedom of investigation. I think this point is specifically absent in this law.

5. Of course, for conditions to be fulfilled in the entities, financial resources are needed. Here it can be said that in Mexico there is a great asymmetry in the concentration of research centers, between the center of the state and the rest of the entities. In this context, this law should promote decentralization in knowledge development centers. Thus, government universities and government institutes of technology will be the natural centers that will bear the burden of training those scientists and technicians who will be the basic labor force for the imminent near future in different regions of the country.

6. With regard to strengthening the allocation of financial resources to the entities, this law proposal stipulates in Article 21, that they be based on balancing the expenditures of the Federation. In recent years several universities have experienced a financial crisis, and I understand that appointment under this law will be at the mercy of government capabilities. But implementation by the National Future Council is essential, an accreditation for state-run universities that meet minimum standards of quality and are associated with respect to their infrastructure and research support. Something like an evaluation system like SNI for universities. The idea is to encourage them to develop and sustain their own quality infrastructure.

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7. Finally, the gender approach shall be in every article and every section of this Act, not only in the allocation of scholarships, but in the bodies of government, giving them a voice and a vote. Article 72 stipulates the need to promote the integration of employment in public centers that rely on the national system from the perspective of gender equality, especially for young women who have recently graduated. I believe that this gender parity should be promoted in all educational centers, even in independent universities. The male dominance that exists in our society to this day must be regulated through legal initiatives. Only then will there be the structural changes in terms of gender that Mexico needs.

How much …


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