Nintendo says goodbye with this message marking the 35th anniversary of Super Mario – Nintenderos

We shared with you recently that Nintendo was already taking the first steps towards it “Gloomy” March 31. As you know, this day was described this way because on that date many of the company’s products will not be offered, especially Super Mario due to the end of the franchise’s 35th anniversary and unfortunately. Today came.

Well, on this occasion, the European account for Nintendo Twitter shared a message to I thank the fans for the support they have received during the 35th anniversary of Super Mario Bros. We leave it below:

Thanks to everyone who joined us in celebrating the 35th anniversary of Super Mario Bros. We hope you continue to empower and enjoy the adventures of Mario and his friends! # Super Mario 35

Finally, we leave you with a list of all the items that will stop selling as of today:

What do you think of this decision?


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