Nicaragua celebrates the 126th birthday of General Sandino-Prensa Latina

Executive Vice President Rosario Murillo announced last week that the celebrations will be in line with the situation in the country, which is characterized by the global outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the same month, on the fourth of this month, the Central American country celebrated the Day of National Dignity, the 94th anniversary of Sandino’s rejection of the Black Hawthorne Agreement, signed under the tutelage of Henry L. Stimson, the special envoy of the United States government.

On that day, in addition to refusing to sign the Stimson Agreement with General José María Moncada, Commander of the Constitutional Army, Sandino, who had become leader of the struggle against imperialism in Nicaragua, against the military forces of the northern power that had occupied the country since January 1927.

Sandino was held in the Las Segovias (north) at the helm of the defender of national sovereignty in the army, who began with 40 men and reached six thousand, and remained in arms until the withdrawal of American forces on January 1, 1933.

But before leaving Nicaragua, the left-wing Americans organized the National Guard, the armed wing of the Creole oligarchy, whose boss, Anastacio Somoza Garcia, had colluded with the American ambassador (Arthur Bliss Lane) to kill Sandino and two of his aides that the night of February 21, 1934.

The Nicaraguan revolutionaries who organized in 1961 the FSLN were inspired by the model of General Humbris Liberace and his crazy little army, as named by the Argentine writer Gregorio Celser.

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This political-military organization led the struggle in the mountains and cities (in various stages) until it ended with the overthrow of the dictatorship of Somoza (Garcia and Debaille) on July 19, 1979.

jha / fgn

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