News from the government of Santa Fe

Prefect Maximiliano Pollaro met the students who make up the Science Club of Technical School No. 643 of Roldan, who have built a satellite that makes measurements to detect microplastics in the air; He was interested in his studies and made a contribution of 4 million pesos

“We are prioritizing these types of projects for the social appropriation of knowledge, scientific culture and public communication of science in schools,” said Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Erica Heinz, while accompanying the governor on the visit. In this way, he continued: “We do this to find young people who want to pursue technical careers, to create Santa Fe talent for technology-based companies and innovation in companies throughout the Santa Fe economy.” Then, the Minister explained that “we aim to integrate innovation, science and knowledge throughout the entire production network of Santa Fe, to achieve a quantum leap in exports and production in Santa Fe”.

For his part, Roldan Mayor Daniel Escalante noted that “the students received awards last year for their Cansat project,” and stressed the importance of this 4 million pesos in financial assistance “so they can continue their research.” .

Finally, actress Silvana Di Stefano presented a certificate of appreciation from the Santa Fe House of Representatives “to the children, the school and the administrators who made this possible. Everything related to imagination, to science, to education, is fundamental to us.”

From Roldan to Heaven

Last year, the 643 Science Club participated in a competition organized by the country's Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and the National Committee for Space Activities (CONAI).

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The competition consisted of designing and launching a satellite the size of a soda can, as its weight cannot exceed 240 grams, which is what the missile that launches it can bear. When selected in the first stage, they were given a set of electronic components and assembly tools, which the boys used to build Roldan 2.

Using a rocket, they launched the small satellite from a platform. The device flew at an altitude of about 400 meters to release the three objects that fell by parachute to where the wind took them. While the rocket was in the air, another part of the team reviewed the data from a laptop.

Roldan 2 decided to have its satellite measure the amount of microplastics in the air. The device is designed to take air samples by means of a motor that opens as indicated by an altitude sensor, allowing it to fill test tubes, which are then closed and upon descent are recovered for analysis in the laboratory, separating organic materials and inorganic molecules.

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