More than 7 thousand seek to enter medicine every year – La Voz de la Frontera

In every call more than 7 thousand applicants Find space in careers related to the field of medicine in the university’s four academic units Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), informed her boss Luis Enrique Palafox Maester.

He pointed out that the university currently has only 450 places in these professions nationwide, which is less than 10% of the total demand in the health field, which is the most in demand during the call-up phase.

Palafox-Meister also pointed out that the number of spaces in the medical profession depends on the infrastructure of hospitals in the country, as current hospitals do not provide enough space to open more places.

“Clinical training courses, starting in the fourth semester, but above all internships and social service positions, are essential for the training of new doctors.”

Adrian Medina Amarillas, Minister of Health of Baja California, reported that work is already underway to expand space in hospitals, such as San Felipe, and to build a new hospital in Tijuana.

He also pointed out that there is constant communication with the university authorities so that future doctors can conduct their training in the health sector.

“The intention is to create enough spaces for young people to continue to maintain the high standard of the medical school.”

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