Medicine still does not exist in hospitals

They have one to two months without the TB vaccine.

Reporter – September 4, 2023 – 02:00 PM

Luis Aguilar asks the federal government to address hospital shortages.

This problem exists in the IMSS and ISSSTE clinics and the Federal Health Secretariat itself.

They already realized that there was a shortage of BCG vaccines against tuberculosis.

National Action Party deputy Luis Aguilar sent a new appeal to the federal government and the Ministry of Health to speed up the provision of medicines and vaccines, after health institutions reported that they had one to two months to go without obtaining the Bacillus Calmette and Guérin (BCG) vaccine against tuberculosis, which is part of the National vaccination plan.

Aguilar pointed out that it is urgent to address this situation, as this vaccine should be applied to newborns, especially those who live in areas with high rates of tuberculosis, or who may be exposed to this infectious disease.

“We have repeatedly commented that during this six-year period the Mexican health system has failed to implement essential vaccines for girls and boys. We have gone from universal coverage of 95% to having vaccination schedules of less than 75%, which translates into a greater risk,” the MP stated. on the health and lives of minors in Mexico.”

Finally, Luis Aguilar stated that in the institutions and clinics consulted in several states, they do not have a possible history of the availability of this vaccine, as well as other vaccines and medicines.

© The Barral Monitor

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