Marta García Alier: “At the European summit, a heavy hand was imposed”

A little marinade of Granada, a salad of tomatoes, cod, white prawns from Motril and lamb from the region, was shared yesterday by Meeting of 50 European leaders in Granada A flamenco show with a tour of the Alhambra, a visit to the first university in Andalusia, and a political agenda calculated precisely to the millimeter for more than 5,000 attendees. Granada is the capital of Europe these days. There are few better examples to prove that the mixture of cultures has always existed at the heart of Europe.

That’s why it is contradictory That it would be specifically Grenade The place where The continent’s toughest stance on immigration. Before touring the Alhambra, a symbol of relations between one side of the Mediterranean and the other, and before a dinner in which the European leaders could see how many of our dishes tasted like Andalusia, they were discussing How do we close the doors of Europe to those who want to reach it from the Maghreb?

Georgia Meloni and Richie Sonnet, Yesterday the Prime Ministers of Italy and the United Kingdom promoted a meeting Pressure for more restrictions and questionable ethical agreements with countries of origin, and in the process, they demonstrate to their voters how inflexible they are on the issue. To that parallel meeting that represents Anti-immigration hardliners These countries were Italy, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Albania and the President of the European Commission. The Granada Six, as some records call them.

Just before the start of the Granada Summit, the 27 countries agreed on the latest regulations of the migration deal that further restrict the possibilities of entry and asylum. Immigration is one of the points of the day. but, Poland and Hungary reject any common position They are likely to veto it. Last night’s dinner was very nice, but tensions continue and a final agreement on immigration and asylum has not yet been reached. It’s hard to be there.

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while Granada symbolizes the diversity of our cultureIn the The European summit takes a heavy hand.

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