López Obrador invited to participate in the exercise of revocation of the mandate

File photo of the President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.  EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez
File photo of the President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez

On the eve of the president’s speeches Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador To be held at the United Nations (UN) and in commemoration of the Mexican Revolution, the President took the opportunity to speak about The electoral process following the revocation of the mandate.

“I think I can do it, we should participate in the de-mandate, all the people, and we all participate in the de-mandate, yes or no, yes it continues, it’s not that I’m resigning”Obrador commented in the morning conference.

Likewise he stressed the importance of citizen participation after conservative groups opposed the practice of democracy: “Conservatives are Democrats when it suits them, so they don’t want to participate and will tell people not to participate.”As he claimed.

(Photo: Quartoscuro)
(Photo: Quartoscuro)

This happens after the plenary session Supreme Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal for the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF) Determine, on Monday of this week, that the President Legally unable to comment and report consultation on revocation of authorization.

In the event that the president gives his opinion or reports on the electoral practice of revoking the mandate, it would be in violation of the federal law to revoke the mandate, the same law that states that neither the government of Mexico and the president can influence the public’s opinion about revocation.

I think it’s a good exercise because it’s not just being implemented now in March, but it’s already put into the constitution, going forward, it’s going to have to be implemented every three years, and people are going to have to ask what the Mr. President said, who is in charge, do you want the president to continue or Quit?

Similarly, the National Electoral Institute (INE) It has been stated that it is the only entity authorized to use the resources for impartial and beneficial promotion of the subsequent consultation on de-authorization; In this sense, no government entity may speak out or influence public opinion in the electoral process.

The ballot paper that will be used to revoke the mandate (Photo: INE)
The ballot paper that will be used to revoke the mandate (Photo: INE)

For its part, the National Electoral Institute reported that from December 1 to December 30, the signatures collected will be verified to promote democratic practice. In order to carry out this exercise, the Foundation has required that You must have a minimum of 3 percent support of persons registered on the nominal list of electors, in total 2 million 758 thousand 227 Mexican men and women belong to 17 entities.

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If the minimum requirements are met to be able to conduct the electoral process, Citizens can go to the polls on March 27, 2022 to exercise their right to vote.

Similarly, the National Institute of Statistics has made available an app called My Support in which citizens can cast their votes without having to leave their homes during the health emergency. This app will be available on the INE website and in Android and iOS formats.

In addition, a few weeks ago, the National Institute of Statistics approved the design of the de-authorization process, which will also be printed in Braille.

The form of the poll consists of the question “Do you agree to cancel the term of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, President of the United Mexican States, due to loss of confidence or to remain in the Presidency of the Republic until the end of his term?”

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