Latest version of WhatsApp | How to retrieve a deleted audio or audio message | Hoax 2024 | Nanda | Nenni | Sports play

If you are one of the people who constantly receive a variety of multimedia content on WhatsApp, then you should know that the application tends to have more weight.. So, you choose to delete documents like photos, videos, GIFs, PDFs, etc as well as audio recordings to free up space on your phone. If you deleted the voice messages in your Meta conversations but wanted to keep one that was very important, I tell you, it's not too late. Today I will explain Step by step how to recover this file and listen to it again. The main advantage is that you do not need to use third-party applications or APK files that can harm your computer and access your personal information without your knowledge. Notice everything I'm going to tell you.

How to recover deleted audio on WhatsApp

  • The steps I will mention can only be performed on Android devices.. On iPhones, it's very complicated because all the information is encrypted.
  • now Go to the internal files folder of your cell phone.
  • Once you access the internal storage, You have to go to the option that says Android.
  • At that moment you will have to click Media, Com.WhatsApp.
WhatsApp | Here you have to go into the WhatsApp folder and then click on the media. (Photo: MAG – Rommel Yupanki)
  • Press again WhatsApp and Media and you will see a folder called “WhatsApp Audio”.
  • There you will find only all the voice messages that you have not sentbut also the ones you received in the Meta app.
  • Just You have to select it and copy it to the folder you want.
WhatsApp | When you least expect it, all received files will appear in WhatsApp. Click on the Audio section. (Photo: Debord – Rommel Yupanki)
  • Remember that These audio recordings are arranged by date and time of reception.
  • This way it will be easier to find them and avoid having to listen to all the voice messages they have sent you on WhatsApp.
  • It is very important that you put the recovered audio in another folder so that you do not lose it again.
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Here I explain how to restore your WhatsApp stickers

  • The first thing you should do is that if the timer appears, it is best to wait until it expires.
  • When you have the chance, just go to Google Play.
  • There download the application called “Personal Stickers for WhatsApp”.
  • If you can't find it, you can use this simple one .
  • Now enter the application, then click on the “+” icon.
  • At that moment you can create a WhatsApp package. Enter your storage space.
  • Then go to Android, WhatsApp, Com.WhatsApp.
  • At that moment you will see the WhatsApp, Media folder again and after that you will see many files.
  • Click where there is a .WhatsApp sticker and start selecting one by one.
  • It's best to upload static stickers and animated stickers in separate folders.
  • Once done, you can now create a new WhatsApp account.

Here are the best WhatsApp tricks I recommend

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