La Nación / Netflix announces over 80 film projects for 2022

From Guillermo del Toro to Daniel Craig, passing by Jessica Chastain, Ana de Armas, Ryan Gosling … the list of Hollywood stars and directors who will collaborate on these projects is huge. Netflix has announced more than 80 cinema projects for 2022 worldwide, elevating the online platform to the premiere segment in the film segment.

Netflix began its journey in 1997 as an online video store in the United States for movie lovers, offering hundreds of titles for a modest subscription. Within 25 years, he has become one of the major players in the sector, with huge success (“Don’t Look”, 2021), author’s cinema (“Rome”, 2018; “Power of the Dog”, 2021) or documentaries.

The main production is “The Gray Man” by brothers Anthony and Joe Russo, based on a novel by Mark Grenny, author of The Adventures of Jason Bourne. Its central character is a CIA agent turned man-killer (Ryan Gosling).

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For his part, Guillermo del Toro will present his musical composition with the cartoon characters of the children’s legend Pinocchio. Daniel Craig (“James Bond”) will return to play the detective in “Knives Out,” alongside Andrew Morton and Kate Hudson. Director Noah Baumbach will adapt the novel “White Noise” by Don DeLillo, while Roman Gavras, son of Greek director Costa Gavras, will shoot his third film, “Athena”.

On the TV series side, Netflix announced Tim Burton’s “The Sandman,” a science fiction adaptation of the series by Alan Heinberg, and new seasons of hit songs like “The Crown,” “Peaky Blinders,” or “Things.” strange.” In Europe, Netflix is ​​producing a remake of “Dangerous Liaisons,” a classic novel about love betrayal, and in Japan, “Bubble,” an animated film by Tetsuro Araki.

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Source: AFP.

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