“Jerez will not compete with Cádiz” by Educational Sciences

With the rehabilitation of Valcarcel paralyzed by the recent elections for the presidency of the University of Cádiz (UCA) and awaiting, in any case, the inauguration of Casemiro Mantel, who replaces Francisco Piñilla in his position, to clarify the future of the property, María José García Pelayo confirmed that “Jerez will not compete with Cadiz” to host the Faculty of Educational Sciences if the project planned for the old house collapses.

These statements were made by the mayor of Jerez, on Friday, during the media breakfast he organized with the media on the occasion of Christmas. He stressed that the city aspires to increase the number of university degrees and to have a center for higher education in the city center. But he ruled out that it would compete with the capital specifically for the degree currently taught at the Puerto Real campus and that once Valcarcel was put into use, it would be transferred to Cádiz, showing his respect for the initiative.

In this way, García Pelayo buries the path opened by his predecessor in office, the socialist Mamín Sánchez, who presented to Jerez the agreement between the University of Central Asia, the Council of Andalusia, the City Council of Cádiz and the Regional Council for the building located in the city. The dilapidated state. Likewise, he belatedly responds to repeated accusations in recent months by the Secretary General of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party, Juan Carlos Ruiz Boix, who accused the PP of trying to thwart the project in the capital in favor of the municipality of Jerez.

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However, the next steps regarding the Valcarcel initiative will not be known until Mantel takes over as rector, on January 17. In the campaign, a doctor of chemical engineering questioned the project, due to the economic cost of UCA, and promised to consult the university community on whether they would agree to transfer the pedagogical sciences to Cádiz.

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