Italians prefer the mountains for Christmas – Economy

(ANSA) – Rome – During the Christmas holidays, 83% of them stay in Italy and the mountains rule. According to the Chamber of Commerce (Confcommercio), 8.5 million Italians have packed their bags and set off on a holiday trip.
Even in a state of economic uncertainty, celebrating Christmas outside the home is not a given. In fact, eight and a half million Italians have packed their bags, but this number may rise if the two million who have not decided at the last minute leave until today.
These are the data that emerge from the Christmas focus of the Confcommercio Tourism Observatory. The undisputed queen of Christmas are the mountains, chosen by 1 in 3 Italians: cities of art, large cities and small towns add another 32% to global preferences, while coastal cities, chosen mainly by those who limit their trips to their country's borders. The region is a destination of 21%. Other. The result is a panorama of destinations that equates to Lazio, Trentino-Alto Adige, Campania and Lombardy, while France, Germany, England and Austria are the most chosen countries abroad.
Those who decided on this “mini-vacation” took into account the expenses, which would total about 3,000 million euros. The majority, 83%, will remain in Italy, despite the desire to fully return to pre-pandemic habits, given the increased appreciation of foreign destinations, almost all of which are European, compared to 2022.
One in four Italians will take advantage of their entire Christmas break, allowing them to spend 3 or 4 nights in their destination. One in 5, staying more than 5 nights, are likely to combine Christmas and New Year into a longer holiday.
For others, the stay away from home will be a maximum of two nights, especially in places close to where they live or without leaving their area. Specifically with regard to travel, which is also favored by the additional holidays offered by the calendar this year, particularly interesting signs of vitality are observed.
Compared to 2022, the proportion of those who will remain in the region of residence decreases from 57% to 40%, while the number of travelers who will move away from their region while staying in Italy will increase from 36% to 44%. In addition, the proportion of those planning a cross-border trip rises from 7% to 17%. (I forget).

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